Syllabus - 2021-2022 School Year
Grading:- 20% - Weekly Attitude/Participation Grade (25 Points per week)
- 30% - Knowledge Grade (Tests/Quizzes/Drawing Assignments/Demonstrations/Math Worksheets/Writing Assignments, etc.)
- 50% - Skills Grade (All Design Projects - worth 100 points each)
- Student projects are graded on Craftsmanship, Creativity, & Criteria/Communication
NOCTI Preparation:- Second and third-year seniors will take the Commercial Art NOCTI Exam at the end of the year
Program Requirements:- 8GB (or higher) USB Flash Drive
- Sketchbook
- 1/2 inch 3 Ring Binder
Work Environment:- Must be able to sit and draw for long periods
- Must be able to sit at computers for long periods
- Must have patience
- Must be creative and "think outside the box"
- Must be able to work individually and in a team environment
Program of Study, as put forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education
Task List, as put forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education