PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONThe Biomedical Science program is designed for 11th and 12th grade, college-preparatory students who are interested in pursuing a medical or health science career after high school. Instruction is provided in the basic skills in a variety of areas associated with health occupations such as health and medical services, extensive medical terminology, pharmaceutical and medical procedures and supplies. The opportunity for clinical experience is always pursued for these students. Mentors in specialty areas provide an overview of the scope and nature of practice, career opportunities, post-secondary education requirements, practical experience, integration of health care systems, and ongoing professional development requirements.
Additionally, the program will feature an introduction to biomedical sciences through the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) curriculum. WMCTC has adopted the PLTW curriculum noting that, "The rigorous and relevant four-course PLTW Biomedical Science sequence allows students to investigate the roles of biomedical professionals as they study the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology, and public health. Students engage in activities like investigating the death of a fictional person to learn content in the context of real-world cases. They examine the structures and interactions of human body systems and explore the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, all while working collaboratively to understand and design solutions to the most pressing health challenges of today and the future. Each course in the Biomedical Science sequence builds on the skills and knowledge students gain in the preceding courses".
The program consists of THREE FOUNDATION COURSES:- Principals of Biomedical Science
- Human Body Systems
- Medical Intervention
- (optional) CAPSTONE COURSE: Biomedical Innovation.
Individuals who aspire to pursue a career in the biomedical sciences have many different career options. Some of these careers include immunologist, endocrinologist, medical doctor, physiologist, nurse and research assistant. Careers in this field are often either research-oriented or lab-focused. Three common career options in the biomedical sciences that include both research and lab work include clinical laboratory technologist and technician, biomedical scientist and epidemiologist.WORKING CONDITIONS
Biomedical scientists usually work with equipment with high levels of automation, and most laboratories are extensively computerized. Work activities vary depending on the specialist area but typically include:- Testing human samples such as blood, tissue, urine or cerebrospinal and fecal material for enzymes, hormones etc.
- Analyzing cell cultures grown from tissue samples and identifying blood groups.
- Working with computers, sophisticated automated machinery, microscopes and other hi-tech laboratory equipment.
- Assisting in ensuring that the necessary turnaround times for reporting results are achieved wherever possible.
- Giving test results to medical staff, who use the information to diagnose and treat the patient's illness.
- Monitoring the effects of medication and other programs of treatment by carrying out further tests.
- Using information technology to accurately record and analyze data, write reports and share results.
Clinical Laboratory Technologist and Technicians
Biomedical Scientist
Education Requirements
Associate's degree; bachelor's degree for advancement
Doctorate; medical degree may be required
Master's degree; doctorate for advancement
Projected Job Growth (2019-2029)
7% for technologists; 7% for technicians
Median Salary (2019)
$59,430 for technologists; $38,370 for technicians
Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
As science and technology progress, job growth advances in the biomedical science field. Of the 57 occupations predicted to grow at 29% or faster by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, eight are considered in the biomedical science field. These professions also show a small-scale version of the range of jobs available with different degrees.POST SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIESPennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of PittsburghAlvernia CollegeDrexel UniversityTemple UniversityUniversity of DelawareMontgomery County Community College
Duquesne UniversityAlbright UniversityImmaculata University